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With School Starting Please Remember...

•Remember the students, teachers, custodians, aides, kitchen and office staff. The return to school will be unlike anything we have done before. We will all be trying to adapt to a new normal and giving it our best shot.  It’s the COVID era.
•Remember the mental health for teachers and students...that teachers will not only need to have their own heads wrapped around dealing with COVID, watching riots and destruction, worrying about jobs and income, and much more, but teachers will also have to have the fortitude, composure and stage presence to initiate and foster a calm and understanding attitude with kids and their questions, their worries and fears- all the while working through these problems on their own. 
•Remember that teachers, who care and want the best for their students, are cautiously attempting to implement the rules set by the state of Indiana and our SCSC administration. Teachers and students will return to school, not as they have known it, but with major changes- distance from others, masks, water bottles instead of fountains, cafeteria seating and rules, arrival and dismissal protocol, desks separated- the list goes on. 
•Remember we will begin school with many unknowns-questions from students and teachers about, “How do we...?” “Where can we...?” “What is the best way...?” And we will be trying our best to figure it out as we go. 
•Remember that we will be trying. Please support us and wish us the best. Send positive thoughts, write happy notes, compose optimistic emails, create signs for the front of school, give a thumbs up. We are all in this together.

 (A word on our amazing SCSC administration. I would NEVER want to be in any administrator’s shoes during this. It must be one impossible decision after another. I have no doubt there have been countless discussions with the Schneck Medical Center, Jackson County Health Department, IN Department of Education, IN health department, and leaders of other corporations. And I am sure our administration team have struggles through them. They have battled through piles of information and guidelines set before them and come up with the best possible solution for our kids and teachers.  It couldn’t have been easy, but they did it, and I am willing to try whatever their plan is.)


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